Old Fashioned Oatmeal Bread Bread Machine

Easy Bread Machine Honey Oat Bread for Pinterest

This piece of cake and delicious homemade Dearest OATMEAL Bread is made, start to finish, in your bread maker. Made with quick oats and a touch of beloved, this staff of life is soft and fluffy and one of my favourite staff of life auto recipes. It's a bully bread for dunking in soups or stews, and information technology's just succulent warm and slathered with butter.

Best Honey Oatmeal Bread Machine Recipe- Happy Hooligans

I can't believe information technology'due south taken me this long to share this bread recipe with you.

It's my favourite homemade bread ever. I first tried this recipe over 20 years agone when nosotros got a bread machine for a wedding present. Nosotros admittedly loved it, and I've been making it ever since.

I employ my bread machine for a few other recipes too, like these bootleg dinner rolls, banana chocolate chip bread, and these cinnamon rolls, but skilful ol' oatmeal bread is what I brand in information technology often. I always serve it with bootleg soup for a mid-week dinner or a weekend lunch.

One of the reasons nosotros love this bread so much is considering it's really soft and fluffy.

The oatmeal gives it a nice texture too. When information technology's piping hot and slathered with butter it'southward absolutely irresistible. If you lot're upwardly for it, while your breadstuff is blistering, make a batch of bootleg butter. It's the best!

I know some bread automobile recipes require yous to make the dough in your bread maker and then transfer it to a loaf pan and bake it in the oven, merely that's non the case with this recipe. You lot make this oatmeal bread recipe start to finish your auto, so it's super-like shooting fish in a barrel to whip up a loaf whenever yous want.

The bread auto takes a couple of hours to do its thing, but all you lot do is dump in the ingredients in, press beginning, and walk abroad.

Before yous know it, the aroma of fresh bread blistering starts wafting through your kitchen.

sliced homemade oatmeal bread

This recipe is for a 1½ loaf of bread (Bones Setting)

Breadstuff Car Honey Oatmeal Bread

Before nosotros get started, let's talk about what kind of bread car and flour I apply when I make bread.

My bread auto:

I've had two bread machines in my lifetime. Both were by Royal. Both were/are wonderful.

The simply reason I replaced my first is because I lost the paddle to the breadstuff pan and couldn't get another (likely considering my motorcar was 15 years sometime by then). I lucked out and found a Majestic Kitchen Pro at a second-hand store, for near 10 bucks, and it's still going strong. Here's my affiliate link to Regal's current model on Amazon. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Should you utilise Bread Flour or All Purpose Flour for the Bread Automobile?

Although bread experts recommend using bread flour when making homemade bread, I've always used All-Purpose flour, and the results are ever wonderful. From what I understand, bread flour produces a heavier, denser loaf of bread than AP flour, so if that's your preference, by all means, go with the bread flour.

Ok. Let'southward make some bread!

Staff of life Machine Honey Oatmeal Breadstuff Recipe:


  • 7-9 oz. Water
  • 1 tsp Table salt
  • 1½ tbsp Dearest
  • 1 tbsp Softened Butter or Margarine
  • ½ loving cup Quick Cook Oats (also known as instant oats)
  • 2½ cups Breadstuff Flour (I use All Purpose Flour)
  • 1¾ tsp Agile Dry Yeast

To make your honey oatmeal bread:

  1. Bring all of your ingredients to room temperature. Your water should be warm merely not hot: approx 100-110 degrees)
  2. Ever add your wet ingredients to the bread pan first, and so in this example, the h2o, honey and butter.
  3. Measure your dry ingredients exactly, levelling off with a knife, and add all except the yeast.
  4. Add the yeast equally the final addition, making sure to keep information technology away from the common salt.
  5. Select the i½ lb loaf setting on your machine and press showtime.

My machine takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to make a loaf of bread this time. Machines vary, so yours may exist unlike. you may also be able to select "light loaf" or "dark loaf" which will vary the baking time a fiddling.

Now, become near your day, and enjoy the heavenly olfactory property of your kitchen while your bread is baking.

When your bread is done, remove the loaf from the pan, and identify it on a baking rack to cool a trivial earlier slicing. This volition allow it to fix upwardly then information technology's not super-squishy when you cut into it. It as well prevents you from scorching your fingertips trying to slice information technology. Ha!

Loaf of oatmeal bread made in bread maker

Now, carve yourself a thick slice, and slather it with butter. Sink your teeth in, and savor.

Butter on homemade honey oat bread

How to shop homemade breadstuff:

To keep your bread soft and fresh, shop it at room temperature (not in the fridge). I wrap the leftover loaf or slices in a clean, tea towel, and wrap that all in a plastic grocery bag.

And just an FYI: this homemade oatmeal bread makes fantastic french toast, grilled cheese and bootleg croutons. Not that you'll probable have whatsoever leftovers. 😉

Homemade Bread Collage

Homemade Honey Oatmeal Staff of life (Bread Machine Recipe)

Soft, fluffy and delicious, this bootleg bread is perfect for dunking in soup, making sandwiches, or to serve equally a side with dinner.

Prep Time 5 mins

Cook Time ii hrs

10 mins

Total Time 2 hrs 5 mins

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Bread Machine Recipes, Breadmaker recipe, Bootleg Bread, Honey Oatmeal, Oatmeal Bread

Servings: 8

Calories: 188 kcal

  • seven-nine oz h2o
  • ane tsp salt
  • ane & 1/2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp butter or margarine
  • one/ii loving cup quick cook oats
  • two & one/two cups flour
  • 1 & 3/4 tsp active dry out yeast
  • Add liquids to staff of life machine pan

  • Add dry ingredients except yeast

  • Add yeast, making certain to continue split from the table salt

  • Select the 1.5 lb loaf setting (bones settings) on your bread automobile, and press start.

  • Remove bread from pan when washed, and cool slightly on a cooling rack before slicing.

Calories: 188 kcal | Carbohydrates: 37 1000 | Protein: 5 g | Fat: two g | Saturated Fat: i g | Cholesterol: 4 mg | Sodium: 306 mg | Potassium: 68 mg | Fiber: ii g | Carbohydrate: 3 thousand | Vitamin A: 44 IU | Calcium: viii mg | Iron: ii mg

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